Thank you very much for your interest in our campaign for accessible taxis in New York City. If you're a reporter or need to get in touch with us very quickly, call us at 212-453-3249.
Otherwise, please contact Joseph Rappaport.
E-mail: jgrappaport @
(Remove the extra spaces around the @ (at) symbol to address your e-mail message.)
For your e-mail to be read, you are required to include your Name as well as one of the following options as your e-mail's Subject line:
TFAC: I'd like to help TFAC (volunteer, write my legislator, etc.)
TFAC: Please put me on your e-mail list for occasional updates.
TFAC: Please include my name (and organization, if appropriate) in a public list of accessible-taxi supporters.
TFAC: I'd like to help TFAC financially.
TFAC: I need additional information about your work.
TFAC: I have a question or comment.
Note for requesting TFAC e-mail list: We will not sell, give or otherwise use your e-mail address except for updates or direct correspondence with you.
Although not required, you may also include: